Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dusk at the Big Red Barn









I can't figure out how to make these pictures not ginormous. More specifically, I set them all to be the same size so I can't figure out why most are ginormous except the first and third pictures that actually came out the right size. But I'm giving up on messing with it for now.

We went pumpkin picking at our traditional spot. This year we even made it there before dark. And we remembered to buy donuts before going on the hayride so we wouldn't chance them being sold out like last year. And we got to go with friends this year. A successful trip.

[Unlike our attempted trip to Gardner Village on Saturday. We thought we'd go up early to avoid the "Witches' Night Out" crowd (not to mention the $5 parking fee that was supposed to accompany the evening event)...and discovered that half of Utah had the same idea. And they were already charging for parking. Super lame. We detoured to Wheeler Farm instead, which was also busy. Then we went to Target. Where I got super lucky. I was looking for a pair of leather boots that are sold out online and of course the store was sold out too. Until 10 minutes later when I walked by again and saw a pair in my size sitting in a cart. I asked an employee and she said it was a cart of returns and to go ahead and take them. Wahoo! Now to decide if I'm feeling fashionable enough to pull off the tuck-your-jeans-into-boots look.]

Speaking of Target, we stopped there the other day and on the way out we let the boys choose a toy from the $1 section. Will chose a dart gun and Sawyer chose a stuffed lion. No surprises there. That pretty much sums up their differences. On the way home Will announced, "I'm collecting weapons to destroy Sawyer's animals and Sawyer is collecting animals to try to destroy my weapons." Interesting. We saw some kittens for sale at the Farmer's Market last week and Sawyer was in love. Will could not have cared less. He wouldn't even pet a kitty. He was too busy begging us to buy him an inflatable cartoon character on a stick. Once again, that pretty much sums up their different interests.

And lest I forget to ever mention it (since I keep forgetting to take pictures), Will moved up to 2 wheeled transportation a couple weeks ago. No more training wheels! Congratulations Will!

PS: Did you notice anything different about Will? The angioma (red spot) under his eye finally disappeared! I just realized it the other day. I looked through some old photos and it first appeared when he was around 18 months old. They said it would go away eventually and it did. I'll stop messing with this post now. It is probably screwing with you RSS reader type folks.


M.M.M. said...

Chloe has some of those red things on her face too.

And yes, those are big (but nice) pictures.

ottspot said...

Overnight some of the picture sizes changed. I'm thinking photobucket was having issues. Some are still huge though.

Aubri said...

That pumpkin patch is so fun. I love all of your pictures! Cute cute family. Oh, and I love the ones that you took for me too...thanks!