Waking up to 4 inches of snow on April 16th...you've got to be joking.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Which brings us up to today
I'm glad it is spring...because these creepy bleeding mouth snow people keep hanging around my yard and it is creeping me out.

Waking up to 4 inches of snow on April 16th...you've got to be joking.
Waking up to 4 inches of snow on April 16th...you've got to be joking.
Hippity Hoppity
On Saturday morning I took the kids over to the ward (like our parish) Easter egg hunt. They each got to find 6 eggs and were pretty thrilled about it. Sawyer thought they were balls and he was pretty excited about that . . . then one broke open and he saw the candy and I was afraid he was going to pass out.
We finally got some eggs decorated the night before Easter. I think this was the first year that we've colored eggs since Will was born. Sometimes it just take 3 and 1/2 years or so to get back on your feet.
Will was a big fan of coloring eggs. He insisted on coloring them entirely with crayon first and then putting them in dye. His first egg (shall we call him Mr. Dumpty?) met an unfortunate demise...but allowed us to discover that the eggs were not quite hard boiled yet before we continued.
Sawyer got to dye his plastic egg in water. I think he caught on, however.
Will got to give the talk in Primary. He was looking forward to it all week. That child loves to be in front of a crowd.
We have Church at 9 which is pretty much impossible for my family as it is, so the Easter bunny had the good grace to come while we were at church. Will didn't catch on at first. Sawyer had spotted and picked up 2 handfuls of candy before Will figured out that the lollipop in the flower patch was not alone and hadn't actually grown there.
You might not think that picking up candy would require rolling around in dirt...but we learned to change out of Church clothes before doing our Easter egg hunts in the future.
Kyle, Jess, and Mollie came over for Easter dinner. I decided I should have helped more with the holidays growing up. Cuz you know what? Holidays are pretty fun...unless you're the mom...then they are mostly just a lot of work! Forget all of these town Easter egg hunts for kids -- somebody needs to start hosting them for moms! All holidays would cease to exist without moms. It is a basic truth of the universe.
I guess it is worth it though.
They think they're special because they're twins...
Megan came down from Idaho for Conference weekend in order to celebrate her birthday with her twin. Mom, being somewhere between London and Wales at the time, funded a bowling and pizza party (it was the big 21 after all). Afterward the girls hung out at my house while the guys went to the Priesthood session. When they returned we had cake and ice cream. Mollie had German Chocolate (her usual) and Megan got a Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream Bombe to be specific. I may or may not have taken multiple pictures of Megan's cake. Then they opened presents which hopefully made up for the fact that Mollie didn't get to open any presents on her actual birthday. Megan got the money she could have saved with Geico.
I told you it was coming...
Don't say you weren't warned...when I lose my card reader for a good 3 months this is what happens.
Will and Sawyer circa late January to mid-February 2009.

Will was watching t.v. and then ran over to his chalk board. He came and got me and told me he wrote "hat." Indeed he did. Thank goodness for television. Who would educate my child without it?
Will and Sawyer circa late January to mid-February 2009.
I failed to mention a big Happy Birthday to the man of our house. It fell during Sawyer Stitches week, and well, some things happen less often than once a year so they make the blog more quickly.
So Happy Belated to you my dear! We had the local fam and a few friends over for pizza and cheesecake. I branched out this year and tried my friend's recipe for brown sugar apple cheesecake with caramel sauce. yummmm. Will celebrated by not making it to the bathroom in time and then got put in the shower which is why his hair is wet.
The next morning we had tickets to take the family to the Draper Temple open house, but those plans got nixed when Will woke up barfing at 3 a.m. Nothing like an early morning of unexpected barfing to put a kink in your plans. It also led to the cancelation of Bryce's birthday trip to Tucano's which was scheduled for that afternoon. [ We postponed a week and ended up being able to celebrate Kyle and Jess's engagement at the same time.] It was kind of low key, but we didn't want to excite Bryce too much since he is getting pretty old and all.
Love you Honey!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Owed to Mollie and Megan
Mollie requested "an ode" for her day of birth,
Yes, April Fools gets a double dose of mirth,
For on this day in eighty-eight
Mollie and Megan ended the wait
And made their arrival, thus signaling the expiration
Of my term as the only girl-child in the Dickerson nation.
So although I've forgotten my iambic pentameter
And strophes and epodes I don't recall neither,
I hope from this little poem you can see,
That the real April Fool here is me!

Happy 21st Birthday Mollie and Megan!
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