The boys had a joint cowboy-themed birthday party. I found a guy on craigslist who rented me 3 canopies for $10 each so that relieved a lot of my hotter-than-Hades woes. The boys seemed to have a good time so I was happy. Will was off with the kids and I don't know what Sawyer did, but I didn't hear any crying or whining so he must have been amusing himself. I caught him playing the "drop the clothespins in the jar" game by himself for quite a while. He would empty out the jar onto the chair and then climb up and carefully drop each clothespin and then climb down and repeat. I'm not sure that he ever actually got one in, but he kept trying.
Sawyer downing a tall, cold bottle of Kool Aid.
It was a good know, in the what-was-I-thinking, never-to-be-repeated kind of way. Just kidding, I like throwing parties!
**And thanks to Lauren for taking and sending me some of these pictures!**
Thanks for posting these! Don't mind the link I put to this on my blog. It was seriously too fun to not share! Looks like the fam reunion was fun too. Send Sawyer on over and we'll let him run through the sprinklers with my messies! I loved the Artoo Detoo cake! I've heard something about if you add a jello packet to the cake it's easier to form. It looked way better than I could do though! Way to go!
Looks like you had an awesome party. Where did you put up your saloon?
Now this is the kind of mormon mommy blogging that will you get you access into the exclusive club. Nice work Erin.
Megan, clearly it is the "Wise S Saloon"...I needed something with the W and S initials...and you are the only person who caught my lame attempt at humor. I will have to get you a prize.
I saw it too. I just let it go, but I want a prize too.
you're too late mom - shoulda opened your mouth sooner! prize for me!!! Prize for me!!!
hey i got it too, i just didn't say anything. so sorry mom and megan, but i get the prize. i was actually THERE after all...
Fun Fun party and very darling birthday boys! We had tons of fun :) Thanks for the invite!
Holy Western Batman! That is awesome. I'll take some of your party energy next year. After Ruby's party this year I thought, "Hmm... no more parties until she's 16." And that's because I was worn out after only an hour and a half.
The party was great!! Thanks for inviting our family!
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