I'm on a lucky streak. This is unprecedented.
I've been on the lookout for a black cocktail dress for an upcoming reception. I'm cheap, however, so even if I'd been able to find a great dress I didn't want to pay much for it. And after several trips to the mall I couldn't even find an appropriate black dress regardless of price. I finally found a couple black dresses on Target.com and ordered them figuring I'd try them on and return one of them. They were both okay, but the material was a really thin t-shirt material and not the most flattering.
Last weekend, having nothing else to do, we decided to go to the mall and take one last look around. We parked at Macy's so we started there. They had gotten some new stuff in stock and they had a short sleeve black dress that I liked. Problem = $99. Not up for spending $100 on a new dress. Then I found another black dress that was (miracle) knee length and (miracle) short sleeve and (double miracle) on a rack marked $14.99. I tried it on and decided it would do. I went to go buy it and was more than a little surprised when it rang up at $158.00. I guess my surprise showed because the lady said "A lot of dresses are on sale right now, did you think this one was on sale?" Feeling more than a little stupid I said "Well, I found it on a rack that said $14.99!" To her credit, the lady didn't even look at me like "Ma'am just because you found a diamond ring on the cubic zirconium rack doesn't mean it was supposed to be there." Instead she said "Oh, I'm sorry to trouble you, but can you show me where you found it?" So we strolled across the sales floor and I showed her where I had found the dress and that there was another of the same style hanging on the rack as well. She said "Ok, well it says $14.99" and we walked back to the register where she scanned the dress and checked in the computer again. Then she said "I'm going to take the other one off the rack because it was mis-racked, but it said $14.99" and then she rang it in at $14.99. Now, I like a bargain, but I was feeling kind of bad about accidentally and unintentionally getting away with a bargain like that so I told her that she didn't have to sell it to me for that because it wasn't a big deal and I didn't want her to get in trouble. She replied "Nope, I'm not going to get in trouble and honey, it isn't your fault they put it on that rack!" So I don't know if there was some kind of feud going on between the departments (the register I was paying at was right next to the women's clothing, but in a different department) or if she was quitting the next day, or just feeling generous, but I walked away with my $158 silk party dress for more than 90% off!
And here it is: (except I got it in black...although I love this coral color...and yes, I have to do the Mormon fashion norm and add a tank under the low neckline)

As Napoleon would say "Lucky!"
Now for today. I was perusing craigslist the other day and came across a link to a local photographer's website. She said that in celebration of the launch of her facebook fan page she was holding a contest on Thursday, September 3rd and if you watched her facebook wall at some point during the day she would post with the line "I wanna win [the contest]" and the first 2 fans to leave a comment would win a photo shoot with 20 finished images on cd and a print release. Sounds like a good deal, but who wins those things? Well, today I did. After consulting a calendar to figure out what day it was, and remembering today was the day of her contest, I looked at her page at around 10:30 this morning and there was nothing there. I read an e-mail and debated how long I could justify sitting in front of the computer waiting for her to post at some point during the day and then clicked on her page again to discover that she had just posted! I left a comment within about 2 seconds of when she posted and, to borrow from ESPN, winner winner chicken dinner I got me a family photo session.
I'm trying to ignore the logic that a round of unprecedented good luck is almost surely an omen of bad things to come.