Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloween by day

We decided we needed to take advantage of Halloween being on a Saturday and not just sit at home all day waiting for trick-or-treating. Well, ok, I decided we needed to go do something and other members of the household came along for the ride. We took a chunk out of the boys' college fund and went to the Dinosaur Museum. Seriously, that place is kind of pricey. Our later children will probably complain that they never got to go to the museum. Sorry about that later children. We'll make up for it by letting you be the ones to take care of us when we're old! I tried to take the boys over the summer on a $2 Tuesday, but upon seeing the line we quickly bailed out of that plan. Halloween was a perfect day to go. They had some little Halloween activities for the kids and the place was almost totally empty. We saw other people maybe a half dozen times as we spent over 2 hours wandering around. I think we got our money's worth.


They aren't clawing each other's eyes out! That alone is worth $30.




Big dinosaur. Little boys.


They especially loved having the water and sand tables to themselves. Will was a little possessive of his dinosaur parade (and possibly a little possessed too).



Boys at work. Sawyer wouldn't dig for bones until he had hoarded all the brushes.


Son, just send the therapy bill to your father.

1 comment:

M.M.M. said...
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